Angels I know
Each page of each chapter
Dog-eared, to mark
In all of my phases
From light to dark
I’ve met such angels
Ones that saved me
And ones that embraced me
And ones that held a mirror up
So then I could truly face me
And from the corner street interaction,
To joining sides like a faction,
To fighting for what is right
To indulging in substances
Staying up all night
To being casted out
To being reeled back in
To having a home
But, no walls to live in
I met God right before I was born
They said ”This isn’t your home,
And this isn’t your family.”
You’ll find them though
In the faces of many
Even when it feels like just a few
Your family will be chosen
Chosen for you and by you.
So I thank myself, and all of my goings
For something sacred is to say
For the threshold of divine knowing
Somehow, some way, somewhere
Someone was always right there
Even if not in front of me
But a call away, a memory to unlock
Of how you saved me with just “one talk”
People come and go and go and go
But, some of those people
Are the angels I know.
This poem is dedicated to the only family I know. The ones that let little me keep shelter and safety in their home. The ones in college that joined me where I roamed. The ones who indulged in the high and the drunk. The ones who pulled me out of whatever funk. The ones who enabled me in my darkest hours, the ones that brought me in homeless, just to shower. The ones who held a mirror to my face, so I could taste my destruction. The ones who dressed me when I couldn’t function. The ones who showed up. The ones who backed down. The ones who are still here, popping in and out.
I’m going somewhere, and its only because of the angels I know.