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Check Out The Options Pride Galleries Of 2022

Bradford Greer

Image taken by Grayson Rose

Rodney Davis and the Rhode Island Pride Committee pulled more than a rabbit out of their hats with the festival and illuminated night parade this year in Providence. It was the biggest LGBTQ event in New England in 3 years and brought revelers including Queer title holders from neighboring Massachusetts and Connecticut to participate or just bask in the spectacular fabulosity.

This year’s illuminated Night Parade was more than a gathering of floats, and marching contingents. It was an adventure.

It was a weekend of festivity with every bar flinging open their doors with block parties. Queers from everywhere came out in force flying our colors everywhere and acknowledging, embracing, and celebrating our differences in a way not seen in Rhode Island in many years. Is it any wonder the community as a whole won the Options Award for Hero of the Year?

Jen Bonin (another Options award winner) and her crew of photographers captured the Queer reverie from Newport to Worcester. Come take a look at the Pride 2022 galleries. You might find yourself there or someone you know or perhaps someone you’d like to know.

Options Magazine thanks all the wonderful photographers for creating this wonderful assortment of photos from Pride events across the state. Their amazing volunteer efforts are what allow us to showcase the many Pride events across the Ocean State.


Options Magazine

PO Box 6406

Providence, RI 02940

(401) 217-3939

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